Azeco Cosmeceuticals

Korea - Designated existing substances List (First Batch)

Not listed

Korea - K-REACH registration exemption substances list

Not listed

Korea - K-REACH CMR substances list by MOE

Not listed

Korea - K-REACH Priority control substances 1 & 2

Not listed

China - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC)

Listed; N°28095; nonanedioic acid

China - Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)

Not listed

China - List of Toxic Chemicals Restricted to be Imported / Exported

Not listed

China - Inventory of Prohibited Chemicals

Not listed

China - List of Hazardous Chemicals for Priority Management- SAWS

Not listed

China - Catalogue of Precursors and Chemicals used in Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Not listed

China - New Psychoactive Substance list

Not listed

China - Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC)

Listed; Azelaic acid

Europe - (EINECS, REACH)

Listed; 204-669-1; 01-2119557891-28-xxxx

Europe - COSmetic INGredient database (COSING)

Listed; Azelaic acid

New Zealand Inventory (NZIoC)


Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substance (PICCS)




Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCI)


USA - Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory (TSCA)


USA - International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook (CTFA)

Listed; Azelaic acid

1.2.3 Structure The structure, molecular formula and molecular weight of azelaic acid are given below.

Structural formula

Molecular Formula Molecular Weight



Mussenberg 1 • 6049 GZ Roermond • The Netherlands


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